Circle Inside Triangle Paranormal Activity

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  1. Circle Inside Triangle Paranormal Activity
  2. Circle Inside Triangle Paranormal Activity Printables

Paranormal Activity 3

More connections between the Ghoulies movie, Harry potter deathy hallows, predator 2. The triangle and circle symbols and REPTILE type creatures. All go back to Solomons 72 demons and ritual. The Bridgewater Triangle is an area of about 200 square miles (520 km2) within southeastern Massachusetts in the United States. Since colonial times the area has been a site of alleged paranormal phenomena, ranging from UFO and 'black helicopter' sightings (including many with multiple points of corroboration including police and a local news team), to poltergeists and orbs, balls of fire. A circle is inscribed in the triangle if the triangle's three sides are all tangents to a circle. In this situation, the circle is called an inscribed circle, and its center is called the inner center, or incenter. Since the triangle's three sides are all tangents to the inscribed circle, the distances from the circle's center to the three sides are all equal to the circle's. Most crop circles, and especially the most spectacular formations, appear in a zone named 'Wessex Triangle', whose ideal vertices are the cities of Wantage, Warminster and Winchester; the Stonehenge site is within the triangle. The other important sacred site of Avebury is just close to the border of that area. Circle In A Triangle Demon.

Paranormal Activity 3
October 21, 2011

Paranormal Activity 3 – This is the 'Extended Version'…which I've never seen. It will be interesting to see if there's anything good that we didn't see in the version we watched in the theater.

The video starts with the video showing a nursery being painted. We have a VERY pregnant Kristi (2nd movie) painting the nursery wall.

Carlsbad, CA
March, 2005

Aunt Katie comes in and sees the progress of the nursery. The 3 (Daniel, Kristi & Katie) debate on names. Katie then asks if she can put some boxes in their basement to store. Remember movie 2? The basement was packed? Kristi pulls some VHS tapes out of a box. Katie says she got these things after Grandma Lois died and Kristi can have it. The box is opened and we see labels on the tapes: Girls Room 9-14-88, Girls Room 9-28-88, Katies Birthday, September 1988, Girls Room 9-13-8. They pull the tape of Katies Birthday (don't get on me, they didn't have it as Katie's so I didn't either LOL).

The movie now cuts to the place in the 2nd movie where they think their house has been broken into and it shows:

Carlsbad, CA
August 2006

We see the shot in the movie where Daniel is investigating the basement after the 'break-in'. He discovers that the only thing missing is the box of tapes that Katie brought over.

Santa Rosa, CA
September 3, 1988

We see a 'Happy Birthday, Katie' chocolate cake that I think mom made because dad is recording her with it. Katie blows out the candles as people sing happy birthday. She gives a 'WTH' look and we see young Kristi talking to…nobody. Mom brings Kristi over to join the party. She's shy and sits by Katie. Grandma gives Happy Birthday wishes to the camera for Katie to watch later. OH this isn't dad…it's boyfriend. He tells Katie, in the camera, thank you for letting him into the family.

We're in the kitchen and little Kristi has lost a tooth and the one next to it is wicked loose. Her mom sets her up on the counter. Kristi tells her mom that she would be a good dentist. Her mom tells her that if she loses the tooth at school to put it in her pocket and bring it home for the tooth fairy. Back at the table Dennis (boyfriend) asks Kristi why she has 2 bowls. Kristi says 'because he wants to eat'. Katie tells Kristi 'Toby isn't real'. 'Yes, he is', Kristi says.

10:26am Dennis is the garage and he has a lot of audio and video equipment set up. Randy, his assistant, is late…not new. Dennis is going to play a prank. Dennis goes up on the ladder (it's 10:55am). He tells Randy that there was a leak in the floor in the room above the garage and he doesn't know what to do. He comes down the ladder and asks Randy to hold a stick that's holding up a bowlful of water…Dennis leaves and we now love Dennis Katie and Kristi join Dennis at the door and laugh. Dennis tells them let's go and play on the trampoline. The 3 come back in. Randy is still holding the stick. They joke that they found a spider and they throw it at Randy…who jumps and the water falls on him.

Standing on the driveway we're taking pictures of the girls for their first day of school. One of the photos taken is the one of Katie that Daniel burns to transfer the demon from his wife, Kristi. It's also the burnt photo that Micah finds in the attic. They now take a family shot.

Dennis is watching some drunk girl on a wedding tape and asks Randy where he found her. The two, apparently, do videos of weddings.

We're seeing wedding photos that I guess Dennis and Randy took. We hear a knock and Dennis calls 'Jewels?' (short for Julie). There's no response and he starts back to work. He hears a noise again and calls out, 'Julie?'. He walks inside and we see his video angle walking through the house looking for the cause of the noise. He heads towards the kitchen and dining room and then into the kitchen, the living room which is a mess of toys (not my house LOL). He hears a noise upstairs and go upstairs. This is the girl's room. Teddy Ruxpin is on the floor talking. Video roulette vegas. Dennis turns him off and leaves him on the table. He takes the camera and looks over the half wall. He hears a noise (sounds like a door) and turns around and we see a door to a crawl space or small closet open. Dennis walks over and looks in. It's a little area that looks like it's holding some toys and a little storage. Dennis comes back out of the closet and turns to see Kristi RIGHT behind him and he's startled. She asks what he's doing and he says he was just looking around.

In the master bedroom Julie isn't happy about Dennis recording her smoking pot because it's illegal and what if the kids find out. She takes a big hit and coughs. They get a case of the giggles and munch on cereal and get a little flirty and then frisky. She wants him to 'hurry up' before she changes her mind. He makes music from a porn and she laughs. The two crawl onto the bed and start to kiss. She stops kissing him because she hears creaking in the hall but quickly ignores it and goes back to…well, what they're working towards. They both hear a noise now and listen. There's a LOUD crash and then everything starts to shake, earthquake. They run for the girls and the camera falls to the floor. Dust falls from the ceiling and we can see part of it hang in the air and see form.

They're reviewing the tape and Julie talks about how fat she looks. He fast forwards and points out the dust on the form but she blows it off. She tells him everything has to be erased or they're never having sex again.

Late Randy comes in and says it's his car. Dennis says he caught the earthquake on tape. Dennis plays the tape, in black and white and we see the figure. Dennis tells Randy that he's been hearing noises in the girl's room. Dennis says that something weird is going on.

88 free bet. Dennis calls to Julie and she calls back. He comes to where she is, IN THE BATHROOM, and she squeals and slams the door. Obviously, she wasn't expecting him to have the camera LOL. He asks her if she minds if he sets up a few cameras around the house. Sh'e sfine with it.

3:49pm Katie asks how long the tapes last…6 hours. Dennis is setting up the camera in the girl's room. It is pointed to where we can see the girl's bed and the steps leading downstairs. Dennis walks down the steps and tells them not to touch the camera.

9:21pm and Dennis is setting up a camera pointing into the master bedroom. Julie asks if he's over reacting. He tells her that it's a new house and it shouldn't be making these noises. He's trying to figure out which angle will work best. At 9:24pm he's content with it pointing towards the bed where we can also see the bedroom and closet doors. It was in that area that we saw the figure in the dust. He says he feels something is there. 10:06pm and the couple go to bed.

Night #1
September 10, 1988

We hear a squeak and Kristi hears it and gets up and wanders near the camera. The camera is set up next to the little closet that Dennis checked out earlier. Kristi says 'Yeah', 'Probably'. She then says they have to be quiet so they don't wake Katie. 'Why?'. Katie then heads back to bed and it's 1:51am.

Dennis is with Katie and tells her that she saw her talking to someone. Katie doesn't remember but she says if she was talking to somebody it was Toby. Dennis asks if they're friends and what they talk about. Katie says secrets. Dennis asks if Toby is big and old like grandma or young like her. He's old like grandma. He's tall and she says not to call him fat. Dennis asks what she means when she says that she would be in trouble if she told any of their secrets, what it means. She wants to be safe. Dennis asks if Toby says he would hurt her. No, but she would be in very big trouble.

Dennis is talking to Julie about it but Julie says it's just an active imagination. Dennis says he can't believe that because it was the middle of the night. Katie finally sways him by being a parent and knowing that kids go through phases. Apparently, Katie went through a phase where she liked to sleep on the toilet.

Randy can't believe that Dennis is going to go through 12 hours of footage a day. Katie comes in and asks if the 2 found anything. Randy jokes that he found that the family sleeps through the night. The 2 hear knocking sounds. Off they go to check it out with Dennis saying 'It's happening again'. They head to the master bedroom, the master bathroom and towards the bathroom closet that has a mirror. Dennis slowly raches for the door and opens it. We see clothes. He pulls the clothes apart and Julie, wearing a scary mask, jumps out at the two of them and about causes them both to die of a heart attack. She is VERY pleased with herself.

There's a tent set up in the backyard. Katie and Kristi are inside. He's brought them snacks and tells them not to tell their mom. He's really good with them. He zips the tent and heads back in.

Night #5
September 14, 1988

We hear a sound in the house but we don't see what it is. A light turns on and off again in the hall outside of the master bedroom. We hear footsteps, mom stirs and then wakes to listen. If it's the girls, they aren't in their room. Julie starts to sleep again but wakes up hearing noises and then wakes Dennis. He's going to see if the girls came inside. He heads upstairs but the girls aren't there. There's a loud thump and Julie calls to Dennis and slowly makes her way to the door before she turns and walks back towards the bathroom. The door slams open and Denis comes in. It's 3:31am. The backdoor is locked and Julie asks why. How to split in blackjack. They check on the girls and they're sleeping in the tent. They have the girls come back inside.

Katie is jumping on the trampoline as Dennis records. Dennis is asking her again if she snuck into the house and Katie tells him no. He asks her if she'll tell her mom that.


Julie and her mom are upstairs making the girl's beds. Grandma asks where Dennis is. Julie tells her that he's out buying more tapes. 'With your credit card?', she asks. It's 1:03pm. In a polite way, Julie tells her to back off and she tells him what a great guy he is. Mom wishes Dennis was more financially secure. Julie doesn't want more kids and assures her mom she isn't going to get pregnant. Her mom says that she had always wanted a big family. 'I changed my mind', Julie tells her. Her mom says that she had told her she always wanted a son.

Circle Inside Triangle Paranormal Activity

Night #7
September 16, 1988

There are creaking sounds. This wakes Dens and he sits up in bed and then he gets up. He grabs the camera and heads downstairs. A chandelier is swinging from the ceiling. He walks to the kitchen window and looks out. Nothing. He turns and starts to walk away and there's a loud sound behind him. He turns back towards the windows. The blinds closed. He fiddles with them.

Julie is helping Katie skate on the driveway. Randy is telling Dennis that he believes in Bloody Mary. Katie wants to play.

Randy & Dennis are making a revolving camera with the use of a oscillating fan that they've taken apart.

It's 4:11pm and the new camera is set up to scan the living room, dining room and kitchen.


Julie and her mom are upstairs making the girl's beds. Grandma asks where Dennis is. Julie tells her that he's out buying more tapes. 'With your credit card?', she asks. It's 1:03pm. In a polite way, Julie tells her to back off and she tells him what a great guy he is. Mom wishes Dennis was more financially secure. Julie doesn't want more kids and assures her mom she isn't going to get pregnant. Her mom says that she had always wanted a big family. 'I changed my mind', Julie tells her. Her mom says that she had told her she always wanted a son.

Circle Inside Triangle Paranormal Activity

Night #7
September 16, 1988

There are creaking sounds. This wakes Dens and he sits up in bed and then he gets up. He grabs the camera and heads downstairs. A chandelier is swinging from the ceiling. He walks to the kitchen window and looks out. Nothing. He turns and starts to walk away and there's a loud sound behind him. He turns back towards the windows. The blinds closed. He fiddles with them.

Julie is helping Katie skate on the driveway. Randy is telling Dennis that he believes in Bloody Mary. Katie wants to play.

Randy & Dennis are making a revolving camera with the use of a oscillating fan that they've taken apart.

It's 4:11pm and the new camera is set up to scan the living room, dining room and kitchen.

Night #8
September 17, 1988

Through the partially opened door of the master bedroom we see a little girl run by. Downstairs we see Katie walk over to the dining room table, pull out a chair and climb onto the dining room table, the fan turns to the kitchen, back to the dining rom table, she's gone. She peaks into Julie and Dennis' room and then heads off again. She then stands outside the door and she seems to be playing with Toby in the hall. Upstairs, Katie wakes as Kristi comes back upstairs. It's 4:04am. The girls go back to sleep.

11:05am. Julie comes up and Kristi is painting. Julie asks Kristi if she still talks to her friend, Toby. She does. Julie tells Kristi that she can tell her anything. Kristi says that Julie can ask Toby questions herself because he's standing right next to her. Julie looks over, we don't see anything, neither does she. Julie tells her she doesn't see him. 'He's there', Kristi says.

Randy took books from the library. One is called Benevolent Entities. 'Kids are susceptible to spiritual contact'. Dennis wonders about Kristi and says the activity started when Kristi started talking to Toby. These entities feed off of people's fears.

Katie runs upstairs and asks Kristi if she wants to play a game. Georgia skill slot machine tips. Katie has a flashlight and they drag the camera into the bathroom to play Bloody Mary. It's 2:06pm. Katie tries to scare Kristi. The 2 turn out the light and say Bloody Mary 3 times. Silence and there's a thump. Mom comes in and turns the light on and asks what they're doing. 'Playing a game'. They leave with their mom. The camera is still pointing towards the mirror. There's just enough light coming in the door for us to figure out what the SLAMp was. The closet door creaks open a bit and then slams shut.

Night #10
September 19, 2008

Julie seems to be stirring a bit, like she can't sleep. She goes downstairs and we'll only be able to see in spurts because of the 'fan camera'. She's in the kitchen getting a snack and she turns the light on. It's now 1:00am. The chandelier that was swinging before is swinging in the other room but Julie can't see this. She's washing her bowl in the sink. She's dropped her spoon down the garbage disposal. She makes me a nervous wreck and puts her hand down the disposal. There's a quick POP and a flash, a light blew. Dennis is with her, so are the kids. The light from the swinging chandelier broke. She sends the girls back up because of the broken glass. Dennis and Julie try to figure out what happened.

Dennis goes up to the girl's room. Kristi is having a tea party. Dennis asks if he can join in and Kristi seems thrilled to have him. He sets the camera down to record them. He tells her he's testing out the camera. Dennis attempts to sit in a seat but Kristi tells him not to sit there because Toby is sitting there. Dennis apologizes to Toby and chooses another seat, beside Toby. Dennis is AMAZING at playing tea party. Dennis asks Kristi the last thing Toby told her. 'Secrets' she says. She apologizes to Toby. Dennis asks if he said something. She says no but she touched him and he doesn't like that. Kristi starts to say something and stops.

Katie comes up and asks why the camera is there. Kristi tells her that she was recording the tea party. Katie tells her that only babies have imaginary friends. Kristi tells her that Toby is real. Katie is a BRAT and starts teasing Kristi. Kristi tells Katie that Toby is in the little closet. Katie calls for Toby to come out. He doesn't so Katie goes in. Kristi tells her not to do that. The camera is set on the floor and the door SLAMS shut. Katie asks Kristi to let her out and Kristi keeps saying that she told her not to go in there. Julie comes up and the door is now able to be opened. Julie tells them to stop fighting and the 3 go downstairs. The camera catches the door closing on it's own.

7:30pm and we're on the swinging fan. Lisa is there, the babysitter. Katie takes her upstairs to show her beads she got for her birthday. Julie tells Lisa to ignore the cameras. Katie & Lisa stay on the bed and play. Downstairs we see Dennis and Julie leave for their date. It's 7:35pm.

At 9:00pm Lisa is putting the girls to bed and Katie asks for a ghost story. Lisa puts a sheet on and walks to the camera and says hello to Dennis. Lisa bids the girls good night and heads downstairs.

10:11pm Lisa is in the kitchen and we're watching threw the 'fan camera'. As the camera pans back into the camera we don't see Lisa until 'BOO! Hi Dennis' she jumps in front of the camera. As the camera pans into the dining room we hear a *tink* but it's probably Lisa that we now see sitting down at the kitchen table. There's a rumble noise. Lisa looks up and then back down at her homework or whatever it is she's working on at the table in VERY unteenager like fashion with no TV and no music. We pan back into the dining and then back to the kitchen. Standing behind Lisa is a short sheet covered ghost. It's 10:13pm. We assume it's one of the children but then the sheet falls to the floor and steps are heard. The sound causes Lisa to turn around, back to the dining room. Back in the kitchen we see Lisa pick up the sheet. She heads up the steps to check on the girls. She walks up very quietly and very slowly. Both girls are tucked happily into their beds. We hear a creaking noise, possibly from Tob's room. She walks near the camera to his room and bends towards it. There's a HUGE gust of wind and she squeals. She goes back downstairs. The girls sleep on. At 11:05pm Lisa is leaning near the doorway, jacket/sweater in hand just waiting for Dennis and Julie to get home. They open the front door and she's READY to go. The two note that she was in a hurry but quickly brush it off. Julie goes upstairs to check on the girls. All is well.

Night #12
September 21, 1988

The cameras downstairs show us Katie standing on the kitchen island and giggling. Dennis stirs upstairs. Katie is now in her room and standing on the ledge (1/2 wall) that falls down the steps on one side. She walks along the wall., it's L shaped. She whispers, 'It's so high. Promise?', she asks as she stops walking and JUMPS! There's no thud, no scream, just silence Downstairs we see her giggle and run back upstairs where Katie is now awake and asks her why she's up. Katie tells Kristi to go to bed and lays back down. Kristi climbs back on the wall.

Dennis is showing Randy the ghost behind Lisa and the gust of wind hitting her from 'Toby's room'. They don't know what it is. Randy can't believe she didn't say anything. Dennis hasn't shown Julie because Julie would flip out. He's afraid she would make him take the cameras down.

Night #13
September 22, 1988

We hear a storm outside. Kristi wakes and sits up in bed. Downstairs seems uneventful. At 2:22am Kristi opens the door to Denis and Julie's room and stands there, just stands there … like Katie in the first movie watch Micah sleep. Kristi stands, watching, as time fast forwards. She stays until 3:31am at which time she goes back to her room, peaks at sleeping Katie. She walks to where 'Toby's room' would be and says 'No. No. I don't want to talk to you anymore. I'm going back to bed'.

12:23pm Dennis is in the girl's room. He walks to 'Toby's room', off camera but quickly grabs the camera and shows us drawings on the ceiling. It's a triangle with a circle on it. On the left side of the triangle is the letter 'M', it's near the bottom corner. On the right, near the top, is the letter 'C'. On the bottom line, near the right is the letter 'L'.

Downstairs Dennis ask Julie has Kristi is feeling. Kristi is on the couch and Julie says they need to get her to the doctor. Randy comes over to sit with Katie while they take Katie to hospital. Randy is told to make himself at home. Randy asks what's wrong with Kristi. Katie tells him she has a really high fever and the 2 sit at the dining room table. Randy asks her what she wants to do and she says she wants to play Bloody Mary. He seems quite worried about and asks if they can play dollhouse or something. He looks in the girls camera and apologizes to Dennis saying it isn't his fault. The 2 head into the bathroom and Katie explains how to play Bloody Mary but looking in the mirror and saying Bloody Mary 3 times while looking in the mirror. They turn the lights out and play. After a few seconds Randy turns the light on. Katie is upset and tells him he turned the light on too soon, he didn't do it right. Randy asks can't they go play 'Doll Barrels or something'…whatever the heck that is LOL. Randy agrees to play again and tells her she's never seen anybody play it like he's about to play it. They play and keep the lights off. After awhile he asks about turning the light on and she tells him to be quiet. Randy hears a noise. Now Katie hears it. There's a loud 'WOOSH' sound and Katie turns the light on. Randy lifts his shirt. He has a scratch on his side. Katie asks if he's okay. He doesn't want to scare her and says he forgot that he scratched himself but you can hear the fear in his voice. There's a noise outside the bathroom door, in the girl's room. Katie asks him if he heard it. He did and tells her it's okay. We hear it again and Katie slams the door closed. There's A LOT of ruckus outside the door is shaking. Katie leans against the door and Randy holds it closed with his hand. The door shakes violently and then stops. Randy keeps his hand on the door and Katie, crying, goes to the other side of the bathroom. Randy tells Katie that everything is okay. He tells Katie to stay there and he opens the bathroom door. He slowly walks out of the bathroom and looks around the girls room. Toys fly from one side of the room to the other and he comes back into the bathroom and tells Katie 'nothing happened'. Bless his heart. Katie wants out and Randy tries again to leave. He looks towards the steps, it's quiet. He's breathing hard. He looks back at Katie. She apologizes saying it's her fault. He promises her that he won't tell her mom. The two head downstairs but Randy puts the room back in order.

Dennis comes in and Randy is packing up ALL of his things to leave. Dennis asks where he's going. Randy said he felt something in the room with them and then his side got cut. He says this isn't Casper. Dennis tells him he's acting ridiculous. Randy tells Dennis to watch the tape and tells him that he has to tell Julie. Randy leaves.

Dennis watches the tape and looks through the books.

Julie comes to Dennis and asks 'What's up?'. He tells her that he needs to talk to her and asks her to sit down. Dennis shows her a photo of people from the 1930s. They all have on necklaces with the design that's on the ceiling in 'Toby's room'. Julie scoffs.

At 11:08am Katie is chasing Kristi up the steps and tells her 'You better run'. Kristi runs to a part of the screen that is off camera with Katie close behind. Katie is stopped by an invisible force and watches.

Back with Dennis and Julie she tells him he's acting crazy. Dennis is telling Julie that 'they would have these ceremonies and they would wait until the girls were old enough to get pregnant and then they would take their sons and brain wash…they wouldn't remember a thing.

Little caesars review. Back upstairs, Katie is walking away from whatever stopped her and calls for her mom as she backs up, we hear a rumbling. Katie's breathing grows faster and she is PICKED UP OFF OF THE FLOOR BY HER HAIR!

Circle Inside Triangle Paranormal Activity Printables

Julie is getting on Dennis telling him that all he does is sit and 'play with this shit all day long'. He wants to shows her something. Katie comes in saying that 'Toby pulled her hair'. Julie turns around and tells Dennis this is his fault. 'No more cameras. No more ghosts'.

Night #14
September 23, 1988

Dennis must not have taken the 'No more cameras' instruction to heart because we're in the master bedroom where Julie is sleeping. Dennis is working on a wedding video and is wearing headphones. In the master bedroom we hear a noise, it sounds like white noise from a TV. In the girl's room we hear what sounds like a door opening. In the girl's room we see something under's Katie's blanket, crawling up to her. Katie wakes and the shape disappears. Katie looks around the room, something falls off of a table and Katie calls for Kristi to wake up. Kristi sits up and tells Katie to go back to sleep. ON a computer on the desk the triangle with a circle appears and things in the room start to sway. Katie asks Kristi what's happening and Kristi tells her that Toby is there. Katie says she's scared and calls for her mom. Kristi tells her that everything is okay and tells her to ignore it. The covers are ripped off of Katie's bed towards the camera. Katie jumps up yelling for her mom and is knocked to the grown and pulled into 'Toby's room' or at least that corner, we can't see. Mom is sleeping through the noise because of the white noise in bedroom. Katie crawls back between the beds and implores Kristi to help her.Things start getting sucks to that corner, including a panicked Katie. Kristi tells Toby to let Katie go and finally says 'I'll do it! Just let her go.' The house falls quiet again and Katie and Kristi get in Kristi's bed. Katie says 'I want mommy'.

Kristi is in Dennis and Julie's room. Julie is telling her that they're not going to grandma's house because there's no Toby and there's no ghost. Kristi walks away, upset. She goes up to Katie. Katie asks 'What did she say?'. 'She said ‘no'', Kristi replies.

12:10pm Downstairs, 'Mom, we're not coming over. We're staying right here. Because I need to get things back to normal. Mom, I have to go, somebody's at the door'. Julie hangs up and goes to the door. There's nobody there and she walks back to the kitchen. EVERYTHING is off of the counters and shelves…EVERYTHING. Julie is stunned and freezes. Then EVERYTHING falls from the ceiling and she screams for Dennis and says they're getting out of there.

In the car, Dennis tells the girls to wake up, they're at grandma's. Grandma is in the driveway waiting.

Moorpark, CA
September 1988

Grandma opens the door. Katie wants to stay with Julie. Grandma carries Kristi. She tells them that she has apple pie. Katie is exhausted. Grandma and Julie are talking off to eh side but we can't hear them. Kristi is examining a picture on the wall. Dennis, sweetly, tells her not to touch the paintings and tells her, it's okay, he isn't mad. He asks her if she likes the painting and if she's okay. Grandma calls for her to come and eat her pie and she heads off for pie.

We see Julie and grandma talking through a glass door. We can't hear them.

Julie walks into a bedroom. Grandma and the girls are playing dress up. Grandma asks Julie 'Doesn't she make a beautiful bride?', as Kristi sits veiled on a chair in front of a mirror and Katie stands to the side playing with earrings. Julie asks, 'So who's the lucky guy?'. 'Toby', Kristi replies. 'What did she say?', Dennis asks from behind the camera. Julie pulls the veil off and tells the girls it's time for bed. Julie says she doesn't want to hear Toby's name ever again. Julie tucks the girls into a big bed they share together and tells them that she and Dennis will be in the next room and will leave a light on so they can find them easily. In Jule and Dennis' room we see it's 9:31pm and they have twin beds. She asks how long he's going to record them and he says until it's over. He then asks her 'When will your mom let us sleep in the same bed?'.

9:55pm Julie, from her twin bed, tells Dennis that she can't stop thinking about it. Dennis tells her to close her eyes and try to get some sleep. At 10:08pm she crawls into bed with Dennis. Time fast forwards. At 1:22am we hear sounds. Dennis wakes and it sounds like cars in the driveway. He settles back down but hears sounds in the house and sits up. He wakes Julie and asks her if she hears anything. Julie says it's just her mom and she's always up at night because she can't sleep. At 1:25am Julie shoots up saying that her mom is too loud and worries she's going to wake the girls. Julie goes out. At 1:29am Dennis gets out of bed because Julie hasn't returned. 1:32am he whispers 'Julie?'. He looks out of the window and then heads towards the door and calls for Julie again in a louder whisper. He picks up the camera and walks to the girl's room. Their bed is empty. He calls for the girls in a normal voice, not whispering. He calls down the steps for Julie, louder but not yelling. He heads down the steps. The house is quiet…too quiet for there to, in theory, be 4 people, 2 being little children, awake. 'Hello?', Dennis calls. He sees the shape of a woman through a curtain. He goes into the room, there's nobody there. The picture that Kristi was looking at earlier is now on the floor and leaning against the wall. On the wall, behind where the picture hunt is the drawing of the triangle with the circle in it. Another picture is taken down and leaning. Behind that picture, a pentagram. Dennis walks near. He hears a creaking sound and turns towards the kitchen and calls for Julie again. He walks outside to a little covered walkway from the house to the garage or another outbuilding. He walks down the walkway, slowly. The door is closed. He reaches for the doorknob and opens the door. It's black in the room. He turns on the light and we see, at least, 4 elderly women and man. 'WTF?', Dennis asks and turns and heads back towards the house as the people turn to him. He runs back in the house and closes the door, and locks it behind him. Through the locked door we can see the group of people walking towards the house. He turns and runs through the house calling for Julie. He locks the front door. He turns and see Julie at the tops of the steps. She's suspended int he air, feet, off of the floor…she isn't attached to anything that we can see. She's dropped and thrown down the steps, taking Dennis down with her. The camera hits the floor. We hear Dennis struggle to get up and, through the door that the camera is on at a slant from the floor, we see Kristi and she's calls, 'Mommy?'. 'Kristi', Dennis says and gets up and takes Kristi's hand and starts to walking, quickly, with her. Kristi asks what's wrong with her mommy. The two hide in a closet and Dennis tells Kristi to be quiet. Sounds approach the closet, banging on the door, growls are heard and then footsteps going away. Dennis pleads for Kristi to be quiet. He tells her he's going got go check…WAY to soon!!! He opens the door and we see something RUN past the door. Dennis closes the door again and Kristi is scared. They leave their closet and are in the kitchen. He tells Kristi they're going to get out of there and he picks her up. They head to a door and we see a fire in the backyard. As he turns to go to a different door we see Katie crouched down at the bottom of the steps near her mom. Dennis tells her to get away from there. Dennis puts Kristi down and tells her not to move and he goes to help Katie. He walks slowly towards her and we can hear her crying. 'Katie?', he asks sounding frightened? SLowly he gets closer, she's looking at her mother. He gets close enough to touch her and she spins around and growls at him. He flies backwards and lands on the floor, we see a broken lamp at his feet but we don't see Katie. He doesn't pick the camera back up but we can see him crawling across the floor, in pain, from where the camera landed. He's crawling back towards the front door where we just saw Katie. Julie's mom walks in front of hm. Something we can't see pushes the crawling man to the ground. Kristi runs by his feet whimpering. An unseen force bends Dennis backwards…think laying on your stomach and something pulling you backwards, head to feet, breaking his back. He falls limp to the ground. We see Kristi's little feet pass by the camera. Grandma extends her hand to the side and Katie comes and takes it. They get to the bottom step and Kristi walks towards them. She stops and turns and says, 'Come on, Toby'. She goes to grandma who says 'Let's get ready'. The 3 (4 if you count Toby) head up the steps and the camera shuts off.

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